Monday, 14 September 2015

Facebook released the code for Android Native React

Facebook released the code for Android Native React,

Facebook has announced the release of the source code for Android Native React on GitHub platform after earlier this year introduce React Native version for iOS. This will mean that developers and engineers of any company or organization may use Native React to reuse code developed for the implementation of a concrete platform and take it to the other major platforms. Thereby releases versions for major platforms speeds, while also reducing costs, among other advantages.

Facebook says it has been using internally React Native for more than a year, explaining the case of the development of the Ads Manager application, which has gone on to become the first Native React application and also available for multiple platforms, whose development has been half the time usually used in relation to the development of mobile versions of their applications.

The ad has been carried out in its annual conference calledScale before more than 1,800 executives and engineers from both Facebook itself as other companies such as Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Box, among others.

Native React uses JavaScript React , being a framework developed by Facebook for its engineers develop user interfaces of their Web and mobile applications for Android and iOS using the same code. This solution is now within any developer and engineer who wants it.


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