Wednesday, 8 July 2015



For several days on WordPress servers it is available the first beta release with number 4.3. News, what is coming around the corner is something more than just a gentle facelift. The creators are focused on the possibility of personalizing the even simpler layouts, develop a favicon editor, and also introduce easier reformatting the visual editor.

The first beta of WordPress 4.3 debuted on July 1. Schedule of work envisages release of a stable version of 18 August. Before creators lot of work, because of the planned new in this release is surprisingly a lot. I tried last night edition on your blog (luckily were some no cataclysm). If you have a little courage and you like adrenaline, you can use the plugin  WordPress Beta Tester and test development issue before the premiere.

What are preparing the creators? 

WordPress 4.3 is another improvement in personalization module. With it, you can modify the layout of our website and keep oversee the changes. Now, in such a way also we change the menu content. Of course the old configuration panel still remains and we have to access it. It is clear however that the creators insist on its new incarnation and want to make CMS more accessible less advanced users. It is possible that with time moved here will be other elements, such as. A text code editor, which for a long time did not live to any significant changes (though it just to deny the idea).

New WordPress finally natively will support Favicons, which has been implemented only by the layout or external plug. Now we can find the appropriate option on the screen general settings. Just specify the image that we want to fulfill this role, and then crop it. It seems simple and practical.

Especially fun of the new features text formatting in the visual editor. In our site all benefit from the text version. Everyone except me (not that I was at odds with HTML - just so convenient me), so I am particularly excited by the changes. Now, the list can be created as feature in Word, so inserting a "*" at the beginning of the line or the number of dot (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). Not only that, the sign ">" at the beginning of the line will transform the further content of the quote, and the "#" in the header (where "##" is the headline of the second degree, and "###" third etc.). This should significantly speed up the writing - especially when using the writing mode without scattering, in which toolbars are hidden.

With less visible, but equally important news, it is worth mentioning better password management. Created by the administrator, users will now receive password information in the form of wire, and the mechanism will be reset independently proposed a new password. Traditionally, dozens of amendments appear under the hood. They raise the level of security, improve stability and simplify life for developers.


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