Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Top 5 Google Adsense Tips and Tricks

Top 5 Google Adsense  Tips and Tricks:

Google Adsense  Tips:

 Whether your blog, classified ads portal or online magazine - almost every heavy traffic website has enormous sales potential through advertising. The optimal monetization of their online platform, many publishers, however, remains a challenge. A known solution in the market is Google AdSense. Used in the right place, can be personalized with Google's marketing solution your own ad placements very good and above all profitable market. The increase in sales, which can be achieved by optimizing the AdSense integrations is enormous.

  • In the test laboratory - Continuous optimization,

    Which font colors have the highest click-through rates for text ads, which display size allows the highest sales and which Google product or third-party network works best on my site? Even with a lot of experience are such questions usually difficult to answer when data are scarce as a basis. The solution: A / B tests. During a live performance real data for one or more experimental groups are collected and evaluated in order to then compare these with the performance of the control group (the current integration) can. Ideally, run A / B tests initially on a small scale, for example, a quarter of the total traffic. So you reduce the risk of potential loss of revenue by the end of poor perform variations and yet receives meaningful records. Also the inclusion of comparative figures from last weeks and months proves to be helpful to rule out possible seasonal factors, which may distort the results of the test otherwise.

  • On all devices - mobile & Multichannel,

     According to a recent study * use 81% of mobile phone users their smartphone while watching TV, 66% in parallel with the laptop, 83% do not go without leaving your home and 63% are supported by your smartphone when making purchasing decisions. To have with the claim of Internet users, even with your phone at any time access to all kinds of information, is also growing for online publishers of print, strategically rethink and adapt its own content for smartphones and tablets. For website operators, it is particularly important to be able to serve and monetize this market. So publishers should optimize their sites, including the advertising possibilities not only for the desktop area, but also mandatory for all mobile devices in order to remain attractive to advertisers.

  •   In design flexibility - Responsive Design,

    When rotating tablet and Co. the layout of a Web page responds and adapts to the changing screen ratio. To ensure a consistent user experience, publishers therefore must also provide adapted thereto display representation. With Responsive Design Display elements can be controlled dynamically and graphically adapted to the website content. User take the affiliations then perceive as a uniform and recognizable offer of a product or service. A creative and technically optimal approach that allows easy and fast implementation.

    • Earn with quality - to increase click rates

      • What do I earn on AdSense? Which brings me to click? Depending on the current market situation, the ad auction and interested parties subject to the usual click price supply and demand fluctuations. For publishers, this means many clicks bring only a little when the AdSense ad also has a good price. This is due to the quality, the subject and the number of advertisers. Using keyword tools can be analyzed popular search terms that achieve particularly high click prices. The focus should be on the content creation henceforth be on financially rewarding issues that are also of interest to the user. The latter is important in order to always deliver relevant for reader input can and to create a balance between ads and articles. If the AdSense unit with the highest CTR provided directly to the beginning of the Web page, Publisher can combine resulting in the highest click rates auction with the highest CTR. One for each publisher extremely efficient way to increase advertising income.

      •  The market of the future - Ad Exchange

        The marketing mix advertiser companies varies continuously and so also branding budgets move increasingly toward online channel. For publishers, this means opportunity and a challenge: one uses with its own online platform a niche that is of particular interest to individual brands, attracting above average eCPMs. However, as is also smaller and medium-sized publishers to secure access to such branding budgets, often remains unclear. Google's answer is: Ad Exchange. With Google Ad Exchange publishers are now able to target groups define specific minimum prices for their advertising inventory, thus actively intervene in the bid structure and to determine the eCPM for individual advertisers, placements, or page types individually. This results in massive potential for optimization on publisher side. Google AdExchange there thus a platform, come together on the high quality publishers and agencies with highly potent customers, says Adler: "Who wants to get a piece of cake branding budget in future, for all roads lead to AdExchange past.


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